Helena Lopes

Changes made to closed and restricted job categories

Job categories off-limits to work permit holders have been changed in response to high unemployment of Bermudians

More than 40 jobs were added to the so-called ‘closed’ list for immigration purposes by the government of Bermuda in November 2022 to help deal with what has been described as “unprecedented” unemployment and the island’s “worst jobs crisis in modern times”. At that time Jason Hayward, the economy and labour minister, noted that the aim was to provide training for jobless Bermudians in the areas of landscaping, cleaning and food-service.

According to Jason Hayward, the economy and labour minister, unemployment is currently at twice 2019 levels.

Several jobs connected to the hospitality industry including, general bartenders and guest service agents, have been added to the list of jobs deemed as ‘closed’ with a further 11 deemed ‘restricted’. The moratorium has also been extended by five months from the beginning of 2023 until the end of May 2023.

Applications for restricted jobs are governed by the same rules as applications in the open category, but employers must apply for a maximum term of one year and give evidence that candidates put forward by the Department of Workforce Development had been considered for the job. If no response is received, employers can put forward their applications with written evidence that they made enquiries.

The partner of a Bermudian, the holder of a Permanent Resident’s Certificate, non-Bermudians on work permits, or other legal resident of Bermuda who has already received permission to reside, are all able to apply for jobs without restrictions, while partners who do not have permission to reside may apply to reside and seek employment.