Last minute legal challenges mounted against deportations

Dozens of deportees in the UK are mounting last minute legal challenges to try to halt their forced removal from the UK

Up to 50 people are due to be deported on a flight to Jamaica chartered by the Home Office tomorrow, the second such flight the Home Office has organised since the Windrush scandal came to light.

Human rights activists would like a moratorium on all deportation flights to be instituted until recommendations from a review into Windrush have been released citing fears that there is a potential risk of removing someone unlawfully. Many of those on the flight have lived in the UK since they were children and leave behind children of their own and other family members. Many also fear for their lives if the deportations go ahead due to gang violence in Jamaica.

According to the Home Office, the charter flight is being used to remove foreign criminals from the UK however some of those who will be removed are first time offenders or were charged and convicted under joint enterprise laws.