Bermuda’s Governor seeks to reassure citizens

Assurances given that Britain’s exit from the EU will not affect free access to Europe by Bermudians

John Rankin, Bermuda’s governor, has sought to reassure members of that island’s Hamilton Rotary Club that visa-free travel throughout Europe will still be a possibility for British Overseas Territory citizens (“BOTCs”) after the transition period ends on December 31, 2020.

In a move that has been echoed by governors of several other British Overseas Territories recently, Governor Rankin acknowledged that BOTC passport holders currently enjoy visa free access to the Schengen area of 26 EU member states and this 90-day access will not change during the implementation period. He also confirmed that British passport holders may continue to live and work in the EU under membership access terms until the end of the transition period.

Governor Rankin confirmed that he and Lord Ahmad, the UK minister with responsibility for the Overseas Territories, have pledged to continue to represent Bermuda’s interests to the UK and that the priorities of Britain’s Overseas Territories would be considered in negotiations with the EU.