Town hall meeting scheduled [Updated]

A public meeting on immigration reform will be held in Bermuda

Following the closed door meeting that was held by the governing Progressive Labour Party earlier this week, the Minister of National Security has announced that a town hall meeting on immigration reform will be held to discuss proposed amendments to the Bermuda Immigration and protection Act 1956 (the “Act”) on September 19, 2019.

Members of the panel named to lead the discussion include the Minister of National Security Wayne Caines, members of parliament Renée Ming, Christopher Famous and Leah Scott, as well as Benjamin Smith and William Madeiros, the former chairman of the Immigration Working Group.

According to Minister Caines, the purpose of the meeting is to discuss the manner in which comprehensive immigration form and the proposed amendments to the Act will affect Bermuda.

The Meeting will be held at Berkeley Institute beginning at 6:30 pm. The general public and representatives from the business community are invited.


September 23, 2019

Having been postponed due to the passage of Hurricane Humberto, the town hall meeting will now be held on September 26, 2019 at the same venue and time. The Minister of National Security will be joined by Dr. Danette Ming, the Chief Immigration Officer and members of the Bi-Partisan Immigration Committee including Renee Ming, JP, MP and Leah Scott, JP, MP amongst others.