New BVI border system to be created

Approval has been granted to fund a new border management system which will help to combat the problem of illegal immigrants in the British Virgin Islands

Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration Minister Vincent Wheatley announced last week that the system will integrate operations between Her Majesty’s Customs, the Civil Registry and Passport Office, the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force, and the British Virgin Islands‘ Airports Authority. One person will be hired to facilitate the implementation of the new system, and immigration staff will undergo training to ensure their competency in operating the new Software.

The contract for the project has been awarded to Ontario-based company Canadian Bank Note without any formal tendering process having taken place according to Cabinet records dated May 15. It is anticipated that the project will take will cost approximately $6,440,000 which will be payable in five annual installments of $1,288,000.

The new border management system is expected to be fully operational by June 2020 and will consist of a number of features that have never before been seen in the Territory, including passport scanning upon entry at all ports and electronic visas.