Passports take preemptive step

The latest batch of British passports have been issued without the words ‘European Union’ on the front cover. 

Although still maroon in colour, with effect from March 30, British passports have begun to be issued to members of the public without reference to the EU – even though the country has not yet officially left. Home Secretary Sajid Javid explained this had been done on the assumption that the UK would have left the bloc by that date and also in the spirit of efficiency as some passport centres had run out of the previous design. Adding to the public’s confusion, some passports with the words ‘European Union’ will continue to be issued for a short period until all leftover stock has been used up. Persons will not be able to choose the type of passport they receive. 

The Home Office was quick to assure the public that both designs will be equally valid for travel as the inclusion of the words was merely stylistic and was not legally binding. It issued a statement to say the removal of the words ‘European Union’ was part of a two-stage redesign process that would culminate in the old dark blue British passports being reissued by the end of the year.

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