Immigration and labour law reforms included in the Throne Speech

Bermuda’s Governor John Rankin delivered the Progressive Labour Party (“PLP”) government’s second Speech From The Throne on November 9, 2018.

In it he noted that Bermuda’s global competitiveness is dependent on its ability to ensure international companies have access to the intellectual capital required to drive the economy. As a result, it was noted that the government intends to move from a “one size fits all” model of work permit processing to one where good corporate citizens who hire, train and promote Bermudians will have access to a more streamlined process as the scrutiny needed for bad employers should not subject good corporate citizens to delays. Governor Rankin noted that companies that discriminate against Bermudians will be subject to additional monitoring and graduated penalties.

He noted the government’s desire to revise Bermuda’s immigration laws to better reflect the PLP’s mandate of putting Bermudians first, meant a balance must be struck between the legitimate expectations of Bermudians and the legitimate labour needs of businesses. The Legislature will be invited to consider bills that simplify issues surrounding Bermudian status, the status of Permanent Residents and so-called “mixed-status” families.

Another area which will receive attention during the next legislative session is Bermuda’s labour laws. The Legislature will be invited to consider a bill to codify Bermuda’s labour relations legislation into one Act concurrent with efforts to modernise labour laws. Protections for employees, whether unionised or not, will be strengthened.