English language proficiency policy proposed

An English proficiency work permit policy is under consideration by the Government of Bermuda. The policy, which is currently out for consultation, seeks to ensure that foreign nationals hired by employers to work in public-facing service positions can communicate effectively in English.

The job categories that are being targeted by the new policy are those in industries where the work permit holder interacts with the public or in jobs where lives could be threatened if the person cannot speak or read English.

If the test results indicate that the person is deficient in their understanding of and/or ability to speak English, the work permit may be revoked although the affected party will have 14 days to appeal this decision. If the language test results indicate that the person is proficient in their understanding of and/or ability to speak English, they will be allowed to continue to reside and work in Bermuda for the duration of their work permit, however the Department of Immigration reserves the right to re-test the work permit holder at any time.

The policy is currently in circulation with key stakeholders for consultative purposes. The deadline for feedback is October 12, 2018.