Simple approach to Britons’ residency preferred

A majority of mainland European countries do not plan to force UK nationals living within their borders to apply for a special residency status after Brexit, in direct contrast to the UK government’s proposed treatment of EU nationals.

Governments across Europe have different approaches to dealing with foreign EU nationals who move to live in their country, with some encouraging or demanding registration. At an initial meeting of officials and diplomats in Brussels on the treatment of UK nationals post-Brexit, a simple approach was preferred. Many in the meeting on Friday expressed the view that imposing an additional mandatory system on British nationals in their country would prove to be an unnecessary complication and expense.

Britons who move to EU countries before the post-Brexit transition period ends on December 31, 2020 will be granted rights similar to those available today with some variations, such as limitations on the right to onward movement between member states. Conversely, the UK has opted to set up a new system for resident EU nationals, under which applicants will be charged £72 each. It subsequently emerged that the app for the system will not work on iPhones, a brand used by more than half of the adult population in the UK.

Of the 27 member states represented in the meeting in Brussels on Friday, about 10 were minded to establish a system similar to the UK’s while 17 were opposed, according to EU sources. Of those with the most UK nationals, Spain said it was undecided and representatives for France did not share their thoughts. Germany said it was undecided but was leaning towards an obligatory system for Britons, in order for the government to be able to recognise people conferred with rights under the withdrawal agreement and those not.

The European commission proposed a uniform set of identification documents to be made available for UK nationals who make their home in the EU before the end of the transition period. A follow-up meeting on the issue is expected in September.